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Small Project in BW

Manoj Chaurasia

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Hi ,


I am new to TIBCO and TIBCO forums.


I got trained for 10 days tibco training in my Company itself.


I want to work more project ,then only we will get a good idea.


Can any one send me a small project


For example , We have a table called Bank (Account ID,Amount,Amount_purchased,Amount_available)


Account ID Amount Amount_purchased Amount_Available

1111111111 5000 3500 1500

2222222222 10000 6800 3200

3333333333 10000 5200 4800


If amount_available=1500 in 1111111111,it will accept(Test).

If amount_available = 1600 in 1111111111,it will reject(Reject).


Using a BusinessWork Project


I want a small project what I mentioned above

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Sample projects are available as project exports (.zip) under installation path in various directories from:



where M.m is the Major.minor version of BusinessWorks (i.e. 5.3).


There is corresponding HTML instructions for most examples are available at:



Product documentation is as you rightfully stated available at power, but also usually bundled locally with the installation aswell:




Enjoy and good luck!

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If you want an application just like banking application which will accept Customer_ID , transaction value- withdraw or Deposit and after the operation display your remaining balance and also the fact of minimum available limits and maximum credits at a time. You may follow my procedure through HTTP connection and JDBC Connection.


First create a database and connect to it through the JDBC Connection pallete, prefer ORACLE.driver.oralce driver. Establish an HTTP Connection. After that, Throught HTTP Receive Palette recieve the opcode and values from URL .


HTTP Receiver -- a-->JDBC query1 --b-- > JDBC Update Query  (a/c to C_ID-)--c--> JDBC Query2 --d-->HTTP Response / WriteFile


and provide the conditions using IF-ELSE after JDBC Query1 according to your preferecne and in node b direct to another JDBC Update Query (deposit/Withdraw).







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