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Add a dynamic check box filter based on a selection from a dropdown

Gloria Kim

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Hi, I have a dropdown (for variable 1)and another dropdown/checkbox (for variable 2) in text area. They each have unique values in variable 1 and variable 2 in their list, respectively.

Let's say variable 1 has 5 unique values, and variable 2 has 3 unique values.

However, when a user selects a value for variable 1... Variable 1 doesn't necessarily have all threeunique values in variable 2-- only some unique values from variable 1 have all three unique values in variable 2. How do I make changes to the second dropdown/checkbox so that it will contain corresponding unique values, based on a value chosen from the first dropdown (variable 1)



For example,

variable 1 variable 2

A a

A b

A c

B a

B b

B c

C a

C b


If a user selects "C" in first drop down, only a and b should show up in the second dropdown/checkbox list. However, currently, the second dropdow/checkbox shows all three selections, a, b, and c. This is because I made two separate properties. I don't know how to connect the two properties.


Thank you!

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