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Data Virtualizationadmin IP

akihiko suehara

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I want to set IP restrictions for each Data Virtualization user.


I would like to do the following.


-admin can only log in to Studio locally


-Other users can only log in to Studio from a specific device


The reason why admin wants to be able to log in to Studio only locally is to prevent access to Maneger from non-local terminals.


If there is a setting method that only Maneger can access only locally, I would like to know that as a reference.

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  • 1 month later...

Hello Suea,

You can configure TDV to grant or deny specific computers, groups of computers, or domains access to TDV. IP restrictions can be important when you allow employees to remotely sign-in to the TDV system. Remote access can be exploited by invalid system users. Preventing invalid users from accessing your TDV system can help keep you and your customers secure from hostile use of your system data. If a system attempting access is on the list of forbidden IP addresses, users would receive an authentication failure message, but would not be notified that they are on a list of forbidden IP addresses.

To configure IP restrictions for TDV

1. Sign-in to Studio as a user with the Modify All Config privilege. For example, the Admin user typically has this privilege.

2. Select Administration > Configuration.

3. Navigate to the Forbidden IP Addresses or Required IP Addresses parameter in the hierarchy.

4. To add values to the lists, use the green plus-icon to add a new editable text field, and type a value for the IP address that you want to allow or deny.

Asterisks (*) can be used as wildcard characters.

*.*.*.* is a valid value string, but TDV ignores it.

5. Click OK.

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