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TIBCO BW 6.5.1 /TEA 2.3.0 - monitor tibco bw application using hawk

m k 2

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we use TEA 2.3.0 for domain, appspace, appnode.we have deployed the application. Please note that, on TEA Linux server, we have hawk product already installed at this locaiton/opt/tibco/hawk/6.1


question is:

i want to montior the deployed application using hawk (memory usage, status of the application (if the app is running or not).

can someone provide steps


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Hello there,

Memory usage, you didn't mention which Memory.

For os memory, you can try hma->System:getSystemInfo

For process memory, try hma->Process:getProcess



For JVM heap monitoring, try jvm plugin.



For application monitoring:




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thanks for your response. i would like to montior application/appnode memory.


i have some confusion. first of all what is hawk domain do i need to have hawk domain to monitor tibco bw apps


i start following these documents which has procedure to configure hawk domain.


1) Registering a Hawk Domain (Enable Hawk Management, Change the Hawk Properties in the tea.tra file, Add the Hawk Domain Configuration Properties)




2) Configuring Properties to Enable Hawk Integration











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i have some confusion. first of all what is hawk domain


-> Hawk domain is used to identify hawkagent.  Hawk Console application must use the same hawk domain name as the hawkagent so that you can manage hawkagent and rulebases.


do i need to have hawk domain to monitor tibco bw apps


-> No. This is optional. By default, it would use "Default" as the hawk domain name. 



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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks. i have followed the following steps till 7on TIBCO BW 6.5.1 Linux server.


Question on step 8 - Start the Hawk Agent if it is not running


1) How to start hawk agent


i can see hawk is installed at this locaiton /opt/tibco/hawk/6.1/bin


2) Under that location there are many .cfg files like hawkagent.cfg.  Do i need to modify this file if yes, what parameters i need to uncomments











Navigate to the configuration folder in the ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks installation at BW_HOME/config.

Copy the AppSpace configuration template (appspace_config_ini_template) file to a temporary location and rename the file to config.ini.

Open the config.ini file for editing and configure the following properties based on the transport used.

Configuration Properties
Enable Hawk microagents for ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks bw.hawk.hma.enabled=true
(Optional) Enable TIBCO Rendezvous transport



(Optional) Enable TCP Transport for TIBCO Hawk



Save the file.

Stop the AppNodes if running.

Use the bwadmin config command to push the configuration to the AppSpace:

bwadmin config -d <domain_name> -a <AppSpace_name> -cf <temporaryLocation>/config.ini

If you are running ActiveMatrix BusinessWorks in Enterprise mode, start the bwagent if it is not running.

For more information about starting bwagent, see TIBCO ActiveMatrix BusinessWorksTM documentation.

Start the Hawk Agent if it is not running. For more information about starting the Hawk Agent, see TIBCO Hawk documentation.

Restart the AppNode instances.

Upload and deploy the application archive (EAR) file to the AppSpace. Start the application.

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How to start hawk agent


-> Go to <tibco_config_home>/hawk/bin, run binary file tibhawkagent to start it.


Under that location there are many .cfg files like hawkagent.cfg.  Do i need to modify this file if yes, what parameters i need to uncomments


-> Go to <tibco_config_home>/hawk/bin, configure hawkagent in hawkagent.cfg. Read the comments in this file carefully, you will learn how to configure it.

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