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TIBCO Businessworks Container Edition Unable to create runtime build pack on Cloud foundary using cli script on Trail account

Amit Mohanty 3

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I am unable create buildpack for TIBCO Businessworks container edition in cloud foundary using my trail account using cli command

Below is the error even if i have admin permission as well

D:cfbuildpack>cf set-org-role XXXX.XXXXXXX@gmail.com PCFLearn OrgManager

Assigning role OrgManager to user XXXX.XXXXXXX@gmail.com in org PCFLearn as XXXX.XXXXXXX@gmail.com...




D:cfbuildpack>cf create-buildpack tibcobwce bwce-dev-buildpack_cf-v2.5.3.26.zip 1 --enable

Creating buildpack tibcobwce as XXXX.XXXXXXX@gmail.com...

You are not authorized to perform the requested action



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