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Property control for toggling "sort bars by value" on and off.

Grant Baker

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I have a bar chart that I want users to be able to sort bars by value or not by using a drop-down property control. In other words, the property control would toggle the "sort bars by value" option on and off. Is there an IronPython script that I can write in a document property to control this Thanks in advance.
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I use a button "action control" instead of a drop-down property control in a Text area. Clicking the button toggles sort bars by value onand off for all bar charts on a page using thefollowing script:

from Spotfire.Dxp.Application.Visuals import *

from Spotfire.Dxp.Data import Range

for rVis in Application.Document.ActivePageReference.Visuals:

if rVis.TypeId==VisualTypeIdentifiers.BarChart:

#Sort bars by value


if vc.SortedBars == True:

vc.SortedBars = False


vc.SortedBars = True

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