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how to create week and Month filters dynamically change in bar chart (X-Axis)

gurusai sankar

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Hi All,

I have week and Month data, i need to create a dynamic filters for bar chart (x-axis) to change week and month dynamically whatever user wants. If user selects week then it should chage to week and if users selects month then it should change month , But it should be a multiple selection and also include All values.

If it is possible- Could you please suggest a way to get it done




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Hi Guru,

When you create a text area, you can add a drop-down property control to it to achieve the dynamic switch between month and week. As long as you select the property values through 'fixed values' and make sure your month and week values are related to the columns, this would be the way. You then have to set the axis value to this document property, so it will display whatever has been selected.

Kind regards,


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Thanks David for your prompt reply. Actually i have already tried this, but we can not select multiple values in Drop down filter, We need to select multiple values (like List box) and also include All values. Even if i am taking list box mutple also - here its not getting All values. 


Is there any other way to do that 





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