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Problem with InvokeRestApi

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I'm trying to connect to a web service using the invokeRestApi from the palette.


The HTTP Verb es POST andresource is "/sentiment". URLhttps://eu-west-1.integration.cloud.tibcoapps.com/ecuj3jueeunnsi3eppn2kzufn2623zxz/sentiment

As an input:

curl --location --request POST 'https://eu-west-1.integration.cloud.tibcoapps.com/ecuj3jueeunnsi3eppn2kzufn2623zxz/sentiment'

--header 'Content-Type: application/json'

--data-raw '{

"language": "EN",

"text": "text"



I have tried many times but keep getting the following error...

{http://schemas.tibco.com/bw/plugins/http/5.0/httpExceptions}HttpClientException: com.tibco.bx.core.faults.BxException: Client received a 4xx response for invocation at resource path https://eu-west-1.integration.cloud.tibcoapps.com:443/sentiment-{ActivityName=InvokeRESTAPI, ProcessName=becausewecanappmodule.becausewecanprocess, ModuleName=TCIChallengeBecauseWeCanAppModule} Caused by: Client received a 4xx response for invocation at resource path https://eu-west-1.integration.cloud.tibcoapps.com:443/sentiment-{ActivityName=InvokeRESTAPI, ProcessName=becausewecanappmodule.becausewecanprocess, ModuleName=TCIChallengeBecauseWeCanAppModule}


Also attaching the project. Thank you!

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