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I have gone through documentation and able to create a tibco ems base image by running docker file with folder structure attached as an attachment

but not able to run tibco ems container on dockerfor windows


My Docker File contents below :---

FROM tibco/bwce


COPY . /resources/addons/jars


D:TIBCO BW CEemsplugins>docker build -f Dockerfile -t bwemstest .

Sending build context to Docker daemon 725kB

Step 1/3 : FROM tibco/bwce

---> 178d94daa5dd

Step 2/3 : MAINTAINER Amit Mohanty

---> Running in 0ff8c23a1570

Removing intermediate container 0ff8c23a1570

---> 75b0204e68d0

Step 3/3 : COPY . /resources/addons/jars

---> 8e556c3c417a

Successfully built 8e556c3c417a

Successfully tagged bwemstest:latest

SECURITY WARNING: You are building a Docker image from Windows against a non-Windows Docker host. All files and directories added to build context will have '-rwxr-xr-x' permissions. It is recommended to double check and reset permissions for sensitive files and directories.

D:TIBCO BW CEemsplugins>


But now when i am usingbwemstest as my latest image and deploying a sample ems application extending bwemstest as my base image what should i give as ems url like my local i am giving tcp://localhost:7222

what should i put in place of localhost


As per my understanding first ems service has to run as a container then i guess i can get the host ip


what is the run container command for this image to run




Please let me know if i am missing something

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