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BWCE AWS Common Service Plugin environment variables AWS_CONTAINER_CREDENTIALS_RELATIVE_URI

Neeraj Sinha

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Hi There,

I need urgent help. I am using TIBCO BWCE 2.5 and also aws plugins for common services. When i use in s3 connection and common service connection "Container Credentials" and setAWS_CONTAINER_CREDENTIALS_RELATIVE_URI environment variable then all works fine. It reads credentials from there. But problem is that i am also using AWS System manager parameter store as configuration management and reading properties from there by using tokenize properties in my application properties like#/TIBCO-Integration/QA/DB_USER# . But this doesnt works and doesnt load values from AWS SSM. But when i deploy container and use environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY,AWS_SECRET_KEY,AWS_REGION it works fine. My ECS cluster is set in a way that i need to useAWS_CONTAINER_CREDENTIALS_RELATIVE_URI environment variables. How can i fix this problem. I am using AWS Common Services to help loading properties for my configuration management from AWS SSM. But when TIBCO starts it doesnt load my properties. How can i set my auth type as "container credetials". Please help me fix this.



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