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Is it better to use more than one On-premise agent to split the load of maps

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Hi guys,

At the moment I have around 20 Scribe Event maps running on one On-Premise agent in production.

I am just wondering whether it is best to have couple of On-premis agents to split up the maps. However, all these agents will sit onthe same server.


Would like to hear your thoughts on this.



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Hello Matheesha,

Yes, it can be a good idea to balance the load across multiple agents, specially when you are expecting a big load or peak trafficacross the event maps in a production environment.)

(if you are using cloud agents, TIBCO already does this for you by using a dedicated agent for each event map)

if you are hosting your own on-premise agents, you canbalance it yourself based onwhat are the event maps with most traffic or least traffic.)

You couldalso consider havinga dedicated agent for scheduled solutions/apps and one or more agents dedicated agents for event maps, to split the load like this.

When doing multiple integration projects, you may want to split the load and agents by grouping the maps by integration project , it depends on your use-case.


Here is a link to our on-premise agent documentation and agent server requirements for multiple agents.


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