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Dynamics GP Adapter - SOP Line Tax Detail issues

Jerry Parker

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Afternoon all,

We have an external source that creates SOPs, so I need to integrate those into GP. I have the Scribe integration setup to pull the data, and targeting a GP database. For the adapter pieces, I have the SOP Transaction Line Insert, Sop Line Bin Insert, SOP Line Tax Detail Insert, SOP Transaction Header Insert, and finally Batch Header Update/Insert. Everything seems to be fine except for the SOP Line Tax Detail Insert. The error message that I am getting is:

"Error From Dynamics GP: SOP Line tx total does not equal the tax amount (868), Tax table detail does not equal the tax amount (62) Check the following fields on the SOP Transaction Header object: 'Tax', 'Tax', 'Freight Tax Amount', 'Miscellaneous Tax Amount'."

For the SOP Line Tax Detail Insert, I've got the following setup:

- Line Item Sequence = 0

- Tax Detail ID = "Taxable" (this is setup in GP already)

- Sales Tax Amount = Tax (same source field used in the header)

- Total Taxable Sales Amount = Subtotal (same source field used in the header)

- Total Tax Amount = 0

- Sales Amount =Subtotal (same source field used in the header)

I also have in the Header piece, i have Create Taxes = 0.

I've even gone to the point of running SQL Profiler on this integration. I can copy and run the SOP Line Tax piece in SQL without an issue. That is also how I figured out exactly which fields to set to what, matching that line up to one that I manually created within GP. I then run the SOP Header piece from profiler, and it spits back the same error I'm getting in Scribe.


Help, someone, please. I just can't seem to get this one part figured out.

Thanks all,


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