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JDBC Query Timeout occurring while executing Query using the process in subsets- Bw5.x

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JDBC Query is timing out while executing below query.

The activity is desgined to process in subsets, subset count is 300 . Timeout happens before5to 6k recordsleft to be processed.

This issue is occuring very inconsistantly Most of the time it runs good only few times faill with timeout.

The total count of the records in DB would be arround 50k.

I tried increase memory and decrease the sbubset count from 500 to 300 still it is ocuuring. timeout value also incresed huge 10 min.

appricate your suggestions to resolve the issue.


Also Ihave a question when subset is defined in JDBC Query activity, does the DB invoked only one time or multiple times(for each sbusetcount retrival)



FROM B_msg

WHERE created_dt >= TO_DATE('07-14-2020 00:00:00', 'MM-DD-YYYY HH24:MI:SS')

AND created_dt

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