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Modify via a script the Min, Max parameters in Logistic Regression Fitting model

Jean-Francois LE ROCH

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I'm currently doing a Logistic regression via a script and save the results Min, Max, Hill, LoggedX50 in a table

The script is working fine but i would like to manualy set the Min to 0 ,Max to 1 and also togglethe "Assume that X is Log10 transformed" ON

I tried using FixedMin, HasFixedMin ... etc without any success ; herebelow a piece of the script :

#Add a vis parameter referencing an existing Scatter Plot visualization

vis = vis.As[scatterPlot]()

#Clear all Lines & Curves for a visualization


#Loop through all the Lines & Curves collection

for fm in vis.FittingModels:

#To remove a specific line or curve

if fm.Line.DisplayName == 'Avg(10)':


formatter = DataType.Real.CreateLocalizedFormatter()

formatter.Category = NumberFormatCategory.Scientific

formatter.DecimalDigits = 5

#font = Font("Calibri", 12, FontStyle.Bold)

#Adding Add Logistic Regression Curve



Logreg_line.FixedMin = 0

Logreg_line.FixedMax = 1



#Loop through all the Lines & Curves collection

for fm in vis.FittingModels:



Thanks for your help

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