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Error creating Teammembership record in Dynamics 365

Tyler Chi

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My Tibco Integration is connected from a SQL database to a Dynamics 365 environment. I want to assign Dynamics users to teams based on the data from my SQL connection.

Teammembership record is looking for a systemuserid and a teamid. However, when I provide these GUIDs, I am getting an error.

"Operation failed. Label: Create teammembership,Name: teammembershipCreate, Message: -2147214049:The user Id(s) [......] is invalid."

I have double checked that both teamid and systemuserid are mapped correctly and that the ids in the Dynamics 365 environment match as well.

Thoughts Is there a better way to assign users to a team

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Could you try the following for troubleshooting

1) Add the valid CRM guids as hardcoded strings for example "2c323" in the mapping for a test record and see if you get an error.

2) if no error, try the mapped guid to CRM in a formula i.e. TRIM(blockname.mapped_guid_fieldname_fromsql).

3) try adding owneridtype as well.


Let us know if it works.



Id And Idtype

ForMicrosoft Dynamics 365target Connections, if you map anidfield, such asownerid, you may also need to set the correspondingowneridtypeto the value of the id base field.

To determine if you need to map theowneridtype, see the Description of the field displayed by selecting the Info iconfor the Entity. SeeBlock Properties Fields Tab.

Ownerid And Owneridtype

ForMicrosoft Dynamics 365target Connections, both theowneridandowneridtypefields may need to be mapped:


Create If you are mapping theowneridfield during a Create or a create through an Upsert, you must also map theowneridtypefield. Otherwise, an error occurs and the record is not assigned to any user type.

Update If you are performing an Update or an update through anUpsert, mapping theowneridtypefield is optional. If it is not mapped,Microsoft Dynamics 365assigns the type based on theowneridGUID value.

Note:If you perform an Update or an update through anUpsert, provide anowneridwithout anowneridtype, and the ownerid does not match any existing systemuser or team, the following error occurs:

systemuser not found.

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