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Dynamics CRM Assembly Version/Service Protection API Limits

Michael Sollenberger 2

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We are using Scribe version 7.9.5, which I believe is the latest version of Scribe to integrate with Dynamics CRM Online. What version of the Dynamics CRM SDK does this version use Based on the "Version Info" option in Scribe Insight, it is using version 9.0.9002.0 of the Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk. Is this correct

My specific concern and reason for asking is that if version 9.0.9002is being used, then the code maynot be properly handling when the CRM Api returns a 429 due to service protection limits. Handling of this error (429)was not implemented within the CRM SDK until version9.0.2.16 of the Xrm Tooling Connector.


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