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Ironpython: How to Add a new View (data table with all columns) from an existing DataConnection

Lszl Kovcs

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  • 2 years later...

I'm also interested in this.

Managed to find a class of DataConnectionOperation of an existing data table in my document (which is a view inside an existing data connection)

Also a LibraryItem which is the data connection itself.

Still cannot find how to access a data connection itself via script, for example in order to replace a data table with a view in a data connection source, or as Lszl Kovcs wrote, to add another view from a data connection.

I would expect there to be another Data Source class available under Spotfire.Dxp.Data.Import namespace (similar to DataTableDataSource, InformationLinkDataSource or FileDataSource)

What am I missing?


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