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Performance tuning is not working - BW 6.3.5

radha bhaskar

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Hi Experts,

Am trying to set flowlimit and maxjobs for one of the application in bw 6.3.5 .

But it is not working , how many options I try , the application is going to degraded after the appnode is restarting .

below is the format :

my application name is - abc.application


please correct me if am wrong with the format.




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is it a REST API or JMS Receiver based application

by default, appnode memory is 1GB. you can increase it at this location by doing this:

On Appspace level:


uncomment "" in appnode tra file and increase the max heap size(Xmx to 2048) and restart the appnode


# appnode specific setting -Xms128m -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError

or AppNode level


uncomment "" in appnode tra file and increase the max heap size(Xmx to 2048) and restart the appnode # appnode specific setting -Xms128m -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError

Also, you can look at this doc

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