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Error From Dynamics GP: Document Number (DOCNUMBR) already exists in the PM00400, PM10000, PM20000, PM30200, POP10300 or the MC020103 Table (305), Voucher Number (VCHNUMWK) already exists in PM Keys M

Linda Emode

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Having this issue when I am trying to load data into the PM module.

I have confirmed all the tables and cannot see the invoice document id/voucher number that I am trying to load in the system in either the working or history tables.

Also confimred and do not want to change the stored procedures that I have seen some google searches show.

Working with scribe workbench on premise that sends data to Microsoft Great Plains 2010 version also on premise

Is there a way to figure out how to move forward


I did see the issue in a 2010 post that went unanswered so created this one for a fresh start.

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