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Caching Use Case Study whitepaper now available

Manoj Chaurasia

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Im pleased to announce the release of the AS caching use case study white paper. This white paper analyzes various caching use cases that Advanced Services has encountered and implemented in the field to provide guidance on deciding if caching is an good fit for a use case.


You can find the whitepaper under the Best Practices Whitepaper section or directly at

TIBCO Data Virtualization Caching Use Case Study Caching Best Practices

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  • 2 years later...
  • 5 months later...
Likewise, we used to have Cisco support site accounts, but they were all transferred/converted to Tibco accounts when TIbco purchased CIS, and rebranded to TDV. I no longer have credentials to login to access this Cisco document. Should it not have been transferred as related IP to CIS Perhaps the document was rewritten (rebranded) and available under another name from Tibco
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I can't edit the original post, but the whitepapers moved here:https://community.tibco.com/wiki/tibco-data-virtualization-technical-whi...

Edit: I flagged the original post as requiring moderator attention. If a mod actually edits the correct link into the post, please feel free to delete my answer/comments.

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