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Global Variable for all IP's in a collaboration

Mack Rienstra

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I'm working with a Windows integration server and an IBM server and the IBM server clock loses 5.4 seconds each week (~ 5 minutes per year). Some queries run every 5 minutes and eventually start missing newly edited records.

I am able to query the clock value of each, deduct them and store this value. I would like to then use it in each of my 3 time-base queries for this collaboration.



O4MTTM > (LastRunTime - :Offset Minutes)

/* O4MTTM is the IBM timestamp, :Offset is the stored value of the clocks in decimal minutes */

However, if I store this value in the ScribeInternal DB I am not able to use it in a Source Query. I have not found a place within the DTS I can store it AND update it daily or weekly using a live DTS/IP. I'm currently updating a variable in each DTS manually on Mondays.

Is there a place to store a global variable that can be updated by a running IP Or, can a pre-operation process pass this to the DTS

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