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Can't run normal python version in Tibco Statistica

Kurian Benoy

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I have been using the Tibco DataScience workbench software. When I run a Python node, just with: print("Hello World").

It throws the error:

C:Python36python.exe can't find '__main__' module in C:\users\Kurian


I had installed in proper directory and had set both local and system path to:




Should I make anymore modifications, to run this python code using Tibco Statistica

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Hi - one requirement is to have thepandas (>= 0.18.1 ) library to be installed. You should see the python version in the dropdown in your Python node if you have the environment variables setup correctly. If it is, then try to install pandas outside of Statistica with something like a pip install pandas in Python. See if that works for you.
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