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Audrey Buettner

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  1. What is the source-- are you using the CRM publisher to create an XML If so use ScribeChildCount=ScribeChildNum to know it's the last record.
  2. Is it still gray after you click "Connect" and save the connection info again for this Publisher
  3. Curious- why are you not using the CRM Publisher to detect Insert, Update as they happen to the Product entity, and have another one to listen for Delete on the Account Product entity
  4. Yes, this is possbile, just need to make sure you use double quotes for all the strings (your Y was in singles); IF(S1 = "Y", "1", IF(ISEMPTY(S2), "3", "2" ))
  5. You can try DTSEdit.exe and change it inTarget Tables...Not sure how supported this is, so of course use a Copy first to test... Some misc info on how to use the tool: https://community.dynamics.com/crm/b/crmpowerobjects/posts/copying-scribe-target-steps-using-dtsedit
  6. You can create a User Target Variable that will pull the AddressID from that specific Data Object/Step. Then map that variable to your Address field.
  7. Thanks, I did try other browsers and kept them open for at least 4 hours while at work. It would stop at different maps. Shrug! After the project was completed, I ended up just copying them into separate solutions just to get the documentation.
  8. This response might be too late, just now seeing this, but remove those spaces within the quotes. It needs to be an exact reference DBLOOKUP2(S2 , S3 , "nwksql3 - temp", "SubMarketConversion", "PrimaryMarket", "SubMarket", "NewSubMarket" )
  9. We are using the Google Docs - Documentation Tool to document a solution with 26 maps but it keeps stopping in the middle of the 16th map. Anyone else experience a limit on this tool I'm checking the source code but don't see a hard setting for this. I really don't want to export some maps then import them into a side solution just for extractingdocumentation. https://dev.scribesoft.com/en/g_docs/doc_maps.htm
  10. They just posted this which might be helpful to at least make sure the services are running: https://support.tibco.com/s/article/Programmatically-Start-Scribe-Insight-Services
  11. Have you been able to figure this out I'd be interested since I have seen on very rare occasions where one or two scribe services stop for some unknown reason but then start up once I LOG INTO the server. Have you tried assigning your user as the services account to see if that reveals anything Guessing you already scanned your server Event Logs.
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