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Fatal error 306 occurred: Error opening data source Scribe.DynamicsCrm5.Adapter.DynamicsCrmDatabase (https://xxx.xxxxx-xxxx.nl/).

Manoj Chaurasia

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Dynamics CRM 2015 onpremise (with IFD configuration)

Scribe inside version: 7.8.0. 46558

Scribe console version: 7.8.0


From time to time the integration processes stop working.

In the Alert Log the following errors are present: Fatal error 306 occurred: Error opening data source Scribe.DynamicsCrm5.Adapter.DynamicsCrmDatabase (https://xxx.xxxxx-xxxx.nl/).

After run manually the processes in the Scribe Console the processes work for a while but the errors wil appear again.

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