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Execution History empty on a cloud agent

Dieter Morosjuk

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Hello. We are using SCRIBE Online to migrate Data from Dynamics CRM (OnPrem) to Dynamics 365. Everything worked fine for months of developing and testing integration maps, but since yesterday the Execution History Details broke.


The first issue occured when an integration map execution (Create records in dynamics 365) completed with 351 failed and 44 pending records. At that point, the execution history details only showed the 44 pending records, not the 351 failed. The "Reprocess All" function reprocessed those 44 pending records, not the 351 failed. We have no way to find out, what those 351 records are and why they failed.


The second issue now is, that from the point where issue 1 appeared, the execution history details started to be empty on every integration map we execute.


I would like to mention that yesterday was the first time when we executed multiple integration maps parallely. One of them finished, one is still running. Can this cause such broken behaviour

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